Pascal-VU and ACK

Pascal-VU is the first Pascal compiler I worked with, during my study for MSC at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1979, 1980. It was running on a PDP-11/45 as Unix program. I was inspired by Andrew Tanenbaum and Reinder van de Riet as teachers. Those were the days of Pascal, clearly derived from the Px compilers by Wirth but extended and matured to the ISO standard.

Here a collection of documents from my personal archive on paper, followed by documents from the Amsterdam Compiler Kit (ACK).
It clearly shows that the base of the ACK was laid by the implementation of the Pascal-VU compiler as compiler to code for the virtual EM machine, evolved over time to suit the ACK.

Pascal-VU Reference manual, 1979
Pascal-VU Reference manual
seems to be a later version
Description of an Experimental machine
Architecture for Block Structured Languages

Wiskundig Seminarium Rapport IR-54 April 1980
The virtual machine for the Pascal-VU compiler
Using Peephole Optimization on Intermediate Code
Januari 1982
A Practical Toolkit for making Portable Compilers
September 1983
Efficient Encoding of Machine Instructions
Does anybody out there want to write HALF of a compiler?
The EM interpreter, 1983
Description of a Machine Architecture for Use with Block Structured Languages
Informatica Rapport IR81, 1983
The ACK Pascal Compiler
ACK EM Pascal source
ACK: A backend table for the 6500