Now on with V1.5 which will have a native GUI debugging interpreter in Freepascal.

Wirth languages, Pascal, UCSD, Turbo, Delphi, Freepascal, Oberon
Now on with V1.5 which will have a native GUI debugging interpreter in Freepascal.
KIM-1 Pascal-M 1978 interpreter
Short userguide
0. You need two cassette recorders under Micro Ade software control, see Micro Ade userguide how to read, one to write.
1. Load Micro-Ade (Pascal-M version)
2. In Micro Ade write a Pascal program (remember V1: only uppercase!) and save to tape, standard Micro Ade actions
Every source line is stored as separate file on tape by Micro Ade.
3. Compile on the KIM-1 after reset.
a. Load binaries:
– load interpreter zero page and interpreter $2000
– load Pascal compiler
– load Pascal compiler procedure buffer (at $0200)
b. Start compilation with $2003 G
The compiler will now load the source from reading cassette (see step 2),
and compile to Pxx object record, saved on the recording cassette.
Any errors are flagged on the console, reading continues until the end of the source.
4.If no errors reported the object file is ready for execution. reset the KIM-1.
– Insert the written cassette in the reader.
– Load interpreter and zero page if the KIM-1 has been switched of.
Start the interpreter with 2000G
5. The object code will be read from tape.
When loading is finished and no checksum errors are reported the interpreter prints: <program name> LOADED
6. Start the program with 2003 G
The original 1978 version of Pascal-M, a P2 descendent, has been restored. Original source, which can compile itself, is now available, as a cross compiler, an interpreter in Pascal with debugging facilities, a binary loader for the KIM-1 6502 interpreter and a disassembler for M-code. Together with the already available source of the KIM-1 V1 interpreter all parts of the 1978 compiler are now available in source and compiled/assembled format.
Though compiling itself is a very good test of the compiler, which showed many bugs from typing in and some original present bugs, not too much testing has been done.
I start working now on V1.5 of the cross compiler and leave this V1.0 version as ‘completed’ and ‘historical purposes’.
A large update to my history of Pascal and its standards, where it comes from, the early compilers, sources of first compilers, unique articles and rare books, originally scanned, written by Niklaus Wirth, Per Brinch Hansen, Tony Hoare, Dijkstra, Jim Welsh and many more. Enjoy!
Designed by Niklaus Wirth and Helmut Weber.
Euler is a programming language created by Niklaus Wirth and Helmut Weber, conceived as an extension and generalization of ALGOL 60
Very interesting page:
And do not forgte:
Jeff Duntemann, of Complete xxxx Pascal books, is now writing on freeepascal and Lazarus.
A work in progress, well written, check on updates!
File location: