Oberon Pi

Oberon, the jewel by Niklaus Wirth and Jürg Gutknecht: Operating System, Compiler and Computer.

Oberon Pi is a port of Peter de Wachter’s Project Oberon emulator to the Raspberry Pi OS by Richard Gleaves.
Richard Gleaves is a former UCSD Pascal Project member, and author of the 1984 Springer book “Modula-2 for Pascal Programmers”.

The software changes were mostly limited to the UI, with the goal of flattening out the learning curve for new users of the Oberon system, not only read about in a few places online, but also experienced firsthand after bringing the system up.

Richard also added Andreas Pirklbauer’s changes to the Oberon compiler, to fully implement CASE statements and fix a few compiler bugs.

The main feature in Oberon Pi is its documentation, which includes new user guides Richard wrote for the Oberon operating system and draw application, along with a complete set of Wirth’s original PDF documents on the Oberon language, now made more usable with the addition of TOCs to the PDFs.

See the page on Oberon Pi here.

Additions to the Jim Welsh pages, Queen’s University Belfast and Emerate Professor at The University of Queensland Brisbane, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering – 1900 Pascal User’s Guide,- Sources of 1900 Pascal Compiler MK 2.

As explained in the next Summary, the CDC compiler was ported in a number of steps to the 1900 computer.

Not all sources of the Pascal compilers survived time. Here are the sources of the 2A version, a further developed ETH type compiler. Still recursive descent down like the ETH ones. Compiler source, post-mortem dumppsource, and ICL 1900 runtime assembler source

This compiler differs of course in the code generation to ICL 1900 machine code.

      *                                                  *
      *     1900  PASCAL COMPILER   MK  2                *
      *     -----------------------------                *
      *                                                  *
      *     AUTHORS :  J WELSH                           *
      *                C QUINN                           *
      *                K MCSHANE                         *
      *                                                  *
      *                DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE    *
      *                QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY                *
      *                BELFAST                           *
      *                                                  *
      *     FROM THE ETH ZURICH COMPILER                 *
      *     FOR  CDC 6000  BY U AMMANN                   *
      *                                                  *
      *         BY D.A.WATT AND W.FINDLAY                *
      *         DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTING SCIENCE          *
      *         THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW                *
      *         SCOTLAND                                 *
      *                                                  *

Apple Lisa Pascal compiler sources

I found an archive with the source of the early Lisa Pascal by Silicon Valley Software.

The archive contains images of Lisa disks in dc42 format. In these disk images are the sources (and more) of the Silicon Valley Software Pascal compiler for the Lisa.

The archive, together with sources of the Lisa Operating system and relevant manuals is available here.
The sources are available as original disk images, in Lisa Pascal TEXT and OBJ file format and, with a utility I wrote, in plain text file format.

Pascal-VU compiler

During my study at the VU Amsterdam in 1979, 1980 I worked with the Pascal-VU compiler. A full ISO standard pascal compiler, in the spirit of the Px compile/interpreter.
I have saved several documents from that period, User Manual and Description of the EM machine, the inetrpreter for the p-code coming out of the compiler.

Since Pascal-VU and EM were transformed to the Amsterdam Compiler Kit by Andrew Tanenbaum and his team, some other documents leading to the ACK are also available:

PAscal-VU compiler and ACK

Pascal-M updates

New developments for Pascal-M:

Pascal-M for Flex OS on 6809 , 1980, source of compiler (in Pascal-M) and intepreter (6809 assembler for Flex) sent to me by Mark Rustad.
This version of Pascal-M is a further development of Pascal-M, 1978. Noteworthy additions are Reset and Rewrite for files and Value statement for initialization declarations.

Pascal-M for CPM65 (runs on the NE06502 and other 6502 systems supported by CPM65.
A further development of Pascal-M 2K1, with file I/O in standard Pascal syntax (Reset, Rewrite, Status, Close) and command line parameters.
Lots of improvements in compiler and interpreter. By David Given.


Per Brinch Hansen pages updated

After the scan of Brinch Hansen on Pascal compilers I went on and also scanned the book on Edison: Programming a Personal Computer.

The Per Brinch Hansen now are updated too, the Alfred Hartmann book on Concurrent Pascal added, the Software: Practice and Experience issue on Edision scanned and converted, all articles by per Brinch Hansen listed. Enjoy the works of one of the pioneers: simplicity and parallel programming Per Brinch Hansen!


Edsger Dijkstra

Page on Edsger Dijkstra has seen an update, Books and such on this amazing scientist, who lived in Nuenen long time ago, 10 km from where i live now. Last time I have seen him was in 1980 in Utrecht, where he gave a speech together with Niklaus Wirth and Tony Hoare at the University.


UCSD p_system updated

The UCSD p-System part of the site has been enhanced with all I had in my archive. This descendent of the P2 compiler, initiated by Ken Bowles and his students at UCSD, had a big impact around 1980 as a full operating system and with programming languages (Pascal, Fortran, Basic, Modual-2, Ada) in a well-supported portable way. A forerunner of Java, running on small computers like the Apple ][ and CP/M systems. The simple text based user interface and the p-code interpreter were strong points, but were later a disadvantage when native systems and compilers and GUI’s took over. Around 1985 the commercial impact was gone.

Many books, disk images etcetera.

The MS-DOS hosted p-system Supplement book has been scanned by me, the first time!