Archive with the DECUS DEC PDP-11 Pascal compiler, including sources.
This compiler is a descendent of the ZürichPascal compilers.
DECUS Pascal for PDP-11 =========================== Version 6.3, November 1985 Abstract: This compiler implements the Pascal programming language on PDP-11s running RSX-11 and on other systems that can run RSX tasks (eg. RSTS, VAX AME). The main features of this Pascal are: - can optionally compile programs to use any arithmetic hardware - useful language extensions: default case, loop statement, variable length string parameters, substring parameters, structured function results, boundless array parameters, and more - enhanced I/O facilities for creating and accessing files of various types - standard file for terminal I/O - separate compilation of procedures/functions - linkage to external FORTRAN or MACRO routines - source "include" facility - development aids: statement trace, statement execution profiler, conditional compilation - high level interactive symbolic debugger and symbolic dump - all source and tools provided for maintaining the compiler and runtime library (compiler can only be re-compiled on RSX-11). This release introduces several minor corrections and enhancements. In particular it now runs on the latest versions of RSTS and RSX. Restrictions: Several deviations from the ISO/ANSI Pascal Standard. (Conformance report in user manual.)