Hardware FPGA implementation document by Niklaus Wirth
Project Oberon emulators
- Emulator for the Oberon RISC machine by Peter de Wachter
- Oberon RISC Emulator for Pascal Markus Greim
- Project Oberon emulator in JavaScript and Java Michael Schierl
- Pipistrella hardware FPGA
Here is a summary of acronyms and version names gleaned from various messages and sources. Please provide feedback and corrections as appropriate.
ALO ARM Linux Oberon (Oberon in LNO family, for ARM CPU eg Raspberry Pi)
ETHO ETH Oberon (ETH is Eidgen?ssische Technische Hochschule Z?rich)
LEO Linux ETH Oberon [ETHO 2.4.3 for Linux x86]
LNO Linux Native Oberon
NO Native Oberon
OCP Oberon Community Platform
OLR Oberon Linux Revival
Is ETH-Linux-Oberon the same as LEO or LNO? (Probably it is LEO.)
Is Linux-ETH-Oberon the same as LEO? Same as ETH-Linux-Oberon?
See https://lists.inf.ethz.ch/pipermail/oberon/2015/007996.html
and https://lists.inf.ethz.ch/pipermail/oberon/2008/005410.html
BB BlackBox Component Builder, Component Pascal IDE from Oberon Microsystems, http://www.oberon.ch/blackbox.html
CP Component Pascal[A dialect in the Oberon family most similar to Oberon-2]
AOS Active Object System (2003)
UnixAOS Unix-based AOS
WinAOS Windows-based AOS
Bluebottle New system based on AOS kernel (2005)
A2 New system after Bluebottle (2008)
See http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/ for AOS/Bluebottle/A2 history
Crazy-Fresh Bluebottle [see http://www.ethoberon.ethz.ch/] Crazy-Fresh
A2 [see http://sourceforge.net/projects/a2oberon/files/]
The following appear to be versions of the language definition itself. In another message another day I plan to identify documentation for each.
Original Oberon (1987/88/90)
Revised Oberon (1992) [later called Oberon-07]
Oberon-2 is a compatible superset of Revised Oberon (1992)
Oberon-07 is a new language based on Oberon and Oberon-SA
See http://oberon07.com/ and http://oberon07.com/FAQ.xhtml
See https://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/wirth/Oberon/Oberon07.pdf
See https://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/wirth/Oberon/Oberon07.Report.pdf
Project Oberon (1992) Ceres-based NS32032 implementation of Revised Oberon
see http://www.ethoberon.ethz.ch/WirthPubl/ProjectOberon.pdf
Project Oberon (2013) FPGA-based RISC5 implementation of Oberon-07
see http://www.projectoberon.com/ and
Oakwood Guidelines for Oberon-2 Compiler Developers
Other names found for various Oberon implementations and versions include:
Oberon S3 = Oberon System 3 (Became ETH Oberon)
Oberon V4 (Associated with both ETH and University of Linz)
See http://sourceforge.net/projects/oberon/ and
See http://users.cms.caltech.edu/~cs140/140a/Oberon/system_faq.html for
Oberon = V1 ( V2 V4 | System3 )
Oberon V1 [Original Oberon??]
Oberon V2 [??]
Oberon V4 [Started at ETH, more development at University of Linz]
Oberon System3 [Became ETH Oberon]
Native Oberon [Based on ETH Oberon]
(see http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/downloads/index for current versions)
(see http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/archives/systemsarchive/native_new)
PC Native Oberon [for Intel-compatible PCs]
PC Native Oberon for Dummies [for Windows installation]
Linux-based Native Oberon [LNO]
SharkOberon [for DEC Shark Network Computers, ARM-based]
Native Oberon Alpha [http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/faq/faqnativealfabeta]
Native Oberon Beta [see same link as Alpha]
Versions at http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/archives/languagearchive/genealogy
Oberon X
Active Oberon
Active Oberon for .NET
Object Oberon
Concurrent Oberon
Action Oberon
Component Pascal
Versions at http://www.ethoberon.ethz.ch/genealsys.html not already above
RISC Oberon
MS-DOS Oberon
Chameleon Oberon
Oberon for Windows
Spirit of Oberon
Hybrid Oberon
Oberon for Linux
Oberon Linux PPC
more versions named according to supporting OS?
Another acronym observed is OP2, which is a Portable Oberon compiler
by R Crelier