Pascal III: Accessing the extra memory (3 of 5)Pascal III: Accessing the extra memory (3 of 5)
- Last Modified: November 30, 1984
- Article: TA44961
- Old Article: 641
.MACRO SetBank
; This macro saves %1 (an extended address bank pointer) in Save%1
; and pops the new value. The code follows a convention that if the new
; 1. check the address currently pointed to by corresponding word
; in Zero page, and
; 2. modify it and %1 (bank register) to make sure the address does
; not point to zero page of bank pair to avoid holes in the memory
; map.
; Zero page wraparound during execution taken care of by main loop.
LDA %1
STA Save%1 ; Save old one
PLA ; Get low order byte of new bank
CMP #0FF ; Don't use if = to -1
BEQ $1
ORA #80 ; Set extended addressing on
STA %1 ; And save bank
$1 LDA %1-1601+1 ; Check for zero page reference of
; starting pointers (rest of
; algorithm guarantees it will never
BNE $3 ; happen again)
LDA #80 ; If was nn:00xx , change to
; nn-1:80xx
STA %1-1601+1
DEC %1
$3 PLA
; The following macro guarantees that the base pointer %1 will not
; wrap into zero page during next 256 increments of the pointer.
.MACRO TestWrap
LDA %1+1 ; Before moving each page,
; check for wraparound
BCC $1
SBC #80
STA %1+1
INC %1+1601
$1 .ENDM
; Main procedure
.PROC FetchBytes,6
Source .EQU 0E0 ; Zero page pointer to read
; bytes through
SrcBank .EQU 1601+Source
Dest .EQU 0E2 ; Zero page pointer to write
; bytes through
DstBank .EQU 1601+Dest
; temps
Count .EQU 030 ; Three byte counter of # of bytes to move
SaveDstBank .EQU 033 ; Allow us to restore Pascal bank at end
SaveSrcBank .EQU 034 ; of subroutine
; Initializations
PULL RetAddr ; Get information off stack
; Convert 4 bytes of page/byte count to
; three byte integer
PULL Count
PLA ; low order byte of page count
ADC Count+1 ; add two (low order) page counts
; together
STA Count+1
PLA ; now get high order byte
ADC #0 ; and add carry to high order count
STA Count+2
; now pull destination and source off stack
SetBank DstBank
PULL Source
SetBank SrcBank
; END Initializations
; test to see if we need to move another whole page.
MovePg TestWrap Dest ; guarantee copy loop works for next
TestWrap Source ; 256 bytes
LDA Count+1 ; Y pages to copy?
BNE PgLoop ; yes, go copy them
LDA Count+2 ; X chunks of 256 pages?
BEQ Partial ; no, just copy last fragment
DEC Count+2 ; yes,go copy it (count+1 now
; contains $100)
; now copy one page
PgLoop LDY #0 ; move one page. This is key loop.
$1 LDA @Source,Y ; get data
STA @Dest,Y ; store it
BNE $1
; change to next page
INC Source+1
INC Dest+1
DEC Count+1
JMP MovePg