Apple III Pascal: Reading special keyboard characters (1 of 2)Apple III Pascal: Reading special keyboard characters (1 of 2)
- Last Modified: November 15, 1984
- Article: TA39172
- Old Article: 338
Apple III Pascal programs can distinguish:
1. the Open and Closed Apple keys in conjunction with other keys,
2. SHIFT key uppercase characters from ALPHA-LOCK key uppercase characters,
3. keypad numbers from top row numbers, and
4. RETURN, ENTER and CTRL-M from each other, even though they all have the
same ASCII value.
The Apple III's console driver two-byte mode makes this all possible. When a
program requests this mode, the console driver sends the program two bytes.
The first byte returns the expected ASCII character while the second returns
information about how the character was entered. The diagrams on pages 135
and 165 of the Standard Device Drivers manual show the format of the
information that is returned.
Two sucessive READs will not receive both bytes because the data is actually
presented as a 16-bit word rather than two 8-bit bytes. (BASIC has no
provision to accept this type of input.) The following is a Pascal program to
demonstrate the Apple III's ability to communicate 16-bit keyboard coding.
program TWO_BYTES; {Demo Apple III two-byte keyboard read}
{By Grover F. Nunnery - Apple Computer Inc. - Charlotte, NC}
var A, B : integer;
Key, Mod_Key: string;
procedure KBD_MODE (OneTwo: integer); {Console driver request}
{OneTwo:= 0 requests 1-byte data; OneTwo:= 128 requests two}
var requestcode: packed record
channel: 0..1;
stat_or_ctrl: 0..1;
request_num: 0..255;
reserved: 0..63
begin 0;
requestcode.stat_or_ctrl:= 1; {Control request}
requestcode.request_num:= 3; {Keyboard Mode}
requestcode.reserved:= 0;
UNITSTATUS (1, OneTwo, requestcode);
end; {Kbd_Mode}
procedure READ_TWO; {Reads 2 bytes}
var Two_Bytes: packed record
A: 0..255;
B: 0..255
function KEYPRESS: boolean; {Console Status Call -
True upon Keypress}
var charcount : integer;
requestcode: packed record
channel: 0..1;
stat_or_ctrl: 0..1;
request_num: 0..255;
reserved: 0..63
charcount:= 0; 1;
requestcode.stat_or_ctrl:= 0;
requestcode.request_num:= 5;
requestcode.reserved:= 0;
UNITSTATUS (1, charcount, requestcode);
KEYPRESS:= (charcount <> 0)
end; {Keypress}
repeat until KEYPRESS;
UNITREAD (2, Two_Bytes, 2,, 12);
A:= Two_Bytes.A;
B:= Two_Bytes.B
end; {Read_Two}
procedure MODIFIER;
Mod_Key:= ''; {Null}
B:= B - 65; {Bits 0 and 6 always set}
if (B > 127) then begin
if (A in [45..46, 48..57]) then Mod_Key:= 'Keypad-'
else Mod_Key:= 'Special';
B:= B - 128
if (B > 31) then begin
Mod_Key:= concat (Mod_Key, 'ClosedApple-');
B:= B - 32
if (B > 15) then begin
Mod_Key:= concat (Mod_Key, 'OpenApple-');
B:= B - 16
if (B > 7) then begin
Mod_Key:= concat (Mod_Key, 'AlphaLock-');
B:= B - 8
if (B > 3) then begin
Mod_Key:= concat (Mod_Key, 'CTRL-');
B:= B - 4
if (B > 1) then Mod_Key:= concat (Mod_Key, 'Shift-')
end; {Modifier}